## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_QUIT_TITLE ; AmigaNCP File System MSG_QUIT_BODY ; The AmigaNCP File System is already running.\nThere are %ld locks and files.\nDo you want to quit ASAP? MSG_QUIT_BUT ; Quit File System|Cancel MSG_ERROR_BODY ; Can't open v5 of \"amigancp.library\". The Library must be present\neither in LIBS: or in the current directory. MSG_ERROR_BUT ; Retry|Cancel MSG_NOC_BODY ; Can't create NCP channel:\n%s\n\nPlease check your serial\nand link setup carefully! MSG_NOC_BUT ; Retry|Cancel MSG_TERM ; Terminating...\n MSG_EXTHELP ; VolumeName\t\tspecify volume name of the network device\n\t\t\t(def.: \"AmigaNCP-Remote\")\nDeviceName\t\tspecify device name (def.: \"NCP:\")\nSharedRead\t\tuse shared read mode for MODE_OLDFILE\nCharSetConv\t\tpresent CONV_ pseudo directories\n\t\t\tfor automatic charset conversion\nHideEmptyDrives\t\thide empty drives\nDontWarnMissingServer\tdon't put up a warning requester if the\n\t\t\tAmigaNCP File Server isn't running\nAutoReRead\t\treread the remote device list upon every access\nIconDir\t\t\tspecify path of icon storage dir (def.: \"Icons\")\n MSG_PROBLEM ; AmigaNCP File System Problem: MSG_PROBLEM_BODY ; NCP-Error during write:\n%s MSG_PROBLEM_BUT ; Retry|Cancel MSG_NOSERV_TITLE ; AmigaNCP File System Warning: MSG_NOSERV_BODY ; The AmigaNCP File Server is not running.\nPlease remember that the file server\nwon't be recognized by the remote Link if it is\nstarted after a NCP connection has been made! MSG_NOSERV_BUT ; Ignore missing Server|Run Server and Retry|Cancel File System MSG_CANTQUIT_SHELL ; Termination delayed, there are still %ld locks/files!\n